I grew up in Tasmania. The Apple Isle.
It was also the island Cadbury’s chose to build their first overseas factory in the early 1920s.
At one time Hobart was the jam capital of Australia.
Tasmania – an island of apples and chocolate and jam.
The Last of the Apple Blossom is a novel set in the orchards of the Huon Valley, a love song to a way of life long gone, erased by natural and economic woes. Two orchards, two women…and a secret that binds them. Read more about it here.
The Chocolate Factory is a story of love, friendship and dangerous secrets in the early years of Cadbury’s Tasmanian factory. Find out more here.
The Jam Maker. Tasmania 1874. In the heat of the jam factory, secrets and lies create a dangerous recipe. Release date February 2025. Pre-order here.